Kim Cascone “The Aesthetics of Failure” –.Various Contributors “DeFunct / ReFunct” exhibition catalog –.Peter Krapp – “Noise Channels: Glitch and Error in Digital Culture”.Rebecca Jackson – “The Glitch Aesthetic” –.Jeff Donaldson – “Glossing Over Thoughts on Glitch” –.Mark Nunes “Error: Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures” –.Iman Moradi “Glitch: Designing Imperfection” –.Legacy Russell – Elsewhere, After the Flood: Glitch Feminism and the Genesis of Glitch Body Politic.Legacy Russell – Digital Dualism And The Glitch Feminism Manifesto.Rosa Menkman “A Vernacular of File Formats” –.Rosa Menkman “Glitch Studies Manifesto” –.Daniel Temkin “Glitch & Human/Computer Interaction” –.Daniel Temkin and Hugh Manon “Notes on Glitch” –.Theory / Writings (Glitch and Related Media Art Topics) Sustainability of Digital File Formats Planning for the Library of Congress –.A place to find some leads on important HEX “repair” info for other file formats –.The MPEG4 video encoding bible – (sourced from here: ).Glitch Art Tutorials and File Format Resources Quicktime 7 (Pro)- – Registration Codes for Pro.AVIDeMux – fix for OS 10.7+ users here.HxD (for PCs)- (has a really cool histogram and other data analysis tools).Feel free to contact me regarding missing entries, questionable inclusions, or for the sake of talking about any of the items listed here.
#Online photosounder update#
I will do my best to continuously update reorganize and revise this list as time goes on. It’s by no means complete or exhaustive, and sadly, though I am trying to include as many relevant and important figures as possible, it will be impossible for me to include them all. This is a collection of resources I find relevant to my own creative practice concerning Glitch Art.